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Shalene Christenberry

I had just finished off a yogurt before reading this and dug it right back out of the trash to find High Fructose Corn Syrup in the ingredients. And here I thought I was eating extremely healthy and wondering why it tasted so good. My favorite is Yoplait (light) White Chocolate Strawberry. Oh it is so good.


What??? No Yoplait either??? Note to gift-giving fam and friends: I want a Donvier yogurt maker for sure now! :-0


Yoplait really isn't very good yogurt. Corn syrup aside, it just tastes starchy and artificial.

Try Mountain High full-fat, plain yogurt. It's the best yogurt I've found so far, and it's delicious topped with a couple of tablespoon of jam. You can get it at Outpost and the Nehring Sendik's stores.

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