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Old school drug stores are cool.


My grandmother used to take me to a little pharmacy diner. I'll have to check this one out and bring back some fond childhood memories.

Andy Scott

I've frequented this restaurant on and off for the last 17 yrs. While the food is acceptable: BEWARE THE POOR SERVICE AND UNRESPONSIVE MANAGEMENT. The waitresses are generally UNSMILING, UNHAPPY, UNRESPONSIVE to friendly chit chat or jest, even UNAPPRECIATIVE of APPRECIATION! They behave DISGRUNTLED at giving you change. You have to flag them down to fill your water, or to bring you more coffee, ACTING PERTURBED AT THE IMPOSITION. One long time waitress in particular, walks through the place like a four star general. Today she spouted off at me for finally asking why she was always so unfriendly to me, escalating the conversation into an argument, flinging personal remarks at me that had no relevance to the discussion, and without regard to the other customers trying to just enjoy a quiet breakfast. I admire a worker who stands up to a disrespectful customer, but have no admiration for a person who brings her emotional issues to the work place. The lady became downright hostle. I had to get away from her. I stopped by the manager to share what had happened. He was closed minded, filtering out her behavior, and really twisting everything to make her appear normal - which she wasn't. Then the waitress rushed over, frantically going through a whole innocuous rant of complaints about me all over again! The owner just watched on! Was I in bizzaro, or perhaps the Twilight Zone! You may, or may not encounter this yourself, but if you do, please make your feelings known to the manager. At some point, he is going to have to realize that this waitress is a yoke upon his back. My father ran a successful grocery business where the customer was always right. I treat people the way I would like to be treated. I do public speaking and work in communications. The lady was spoiling for a fight. None of this makes any sense, and I am so disappointed that a long time customer could be treated in this way. Very unevolved situation. Sad to see an establishment like this so clueless.

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