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Congratulations! I love the name Eva. Hope everything is going well for you.


Congratulations Audra! That's so exciting! How wonderful. =)


Congrats Audra! We're 14 weeks into our first little one forming. Very exciting. Look forward to you blogging again!


Congrats to you, Derek! That's awesome. Good luck with the little-one-on-the-way.

Deborah Dowd

What a wonderful blessing! Congratulations, and don't apologize for taking that time just to admire the wonder of a new baby. I remember being enamored with just watching mine sleep, touching the little peach fuzz of their heads... my baby just turned 13, so I get to live vicariously through all the new blog moms like yourself!


Enjoy the time because as you will find out, it goes by waaaay to fast! Snuggle that cutie as much as you can :)


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