Lest you think I purchased a house on some tropical island and left the still-wintry streets of Milwaukee for warmer ground, let me set the record straight. I’m still here. Only now I’m spending a lot more time indoors admiring the new addition to our household. Yes, it finally happened. A few days ago our precious little girl, Eva, was born. Naturally, I think she is the most beautiful child to ever grace this earth. I’m totally smitten with her and hope you’ll understand if I take a few more days to ooh and ahh over her before returning to the blogosphere. ;-)
Congratulations! I love the name Eva. Hope everything is going well for you.
Posted by: Tracey | March 24, 2008 at 07:53 PM
Congratulations Audra! That's so exciting! How wonderful. =)
Posted by: Erin | April 05, 2008 at 07:38 PM
Congrats Audra! We're 14 weeks into our first little one forming. Very exciting. Look forward to you blogging again!
Posted by: Derek | April 10, 2008 at 03:29 PM
Congrats to you, Derek! That's awesome. Good luck with the little-one-on-the-way.
Posted by: Audra | April 11, 2008 at 04:25 PM
What a wonderful blessing! Congratulations, and don't apologize for taking that time just to admire the wonder of a new baby. I remember being enamored with just watching mine sleep, touching the little peach fuzz of their heads... my baby just turned 13, so I get to live vicariously through all the new blog moms like yourself!
Posted by: Deborah Dowd | April 12, 2008 at 07:14 AM
Enjoy the time because as you will find out, it goes by waaaay to fast! Snuggle that cutie as much as you can :)
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