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Audra! I’m really sad that you won’t be continuing Taste of the Town.

I really enjoyed the site and all you’ve done for it. Seriously. I love your writing. You write eloquently with a witty and upbeat style, so I’ll definitely follow you to your new site.

Thanks for so many exciting reads and good luck with your future endeavors... and with the new baby, of course!


Audra, I too will miss your writing, recommendations and forewarnings. I loved visiting the site to read about your recent excursions into the culinary culture of MKE and following suite after you gave a rave review.

I'm sad to see you go, but I will no doubt follow your writing, despite not being a Mom yet :) just to read of your latest finds.

Bon Voyage! And I wish you to enjoy every moment with your lovely family.

Niall Harbison

Hi There

I just stumbled upon your blog and think it is an excellent read for foodies and especially like the photos and design of the blog.I started off as a blogger myself and realise the importance of a good clean design like you have here. I have now bookmarked it for myself to read and have added you to our new list of "all the food blogs in the world" on www.ifoods.tv which we have been compiling for the last month! Hopefully it will send you some traffic in the long run. Looking forward to reading your thoughts on food so keep up the good work and talk soon. Cheers


Good luck, Audra! I'll be reading your new blog for sure! :)

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